Friday, January 8, 2010

Plus one

My co-worker Dawn has some excellent musings about the etiquette of bringing a friend/significant other to a social event -- especially when that person wasn't directly invited.

It's a sticky situation, one that I thought about while watching a recent "Real Housewives" episode about girls' weekend that turned into a couples' trip.

Upon entering a certain phase in life, you have to almost expect all your friends will bring a significant other on outings, even if they don't get your OK.

It can get kind of annoying, namely on occasions when you had your heart set on discussing gender-specific matters.

But a constant "plus one" also reflects life's inevitable changes.

You get to a point where you want to spend bonding time with so many people -- friend, boyfriend, etc. Sometimes, you try to do it all at once to make everyone happy.

The idea makes sense, but some outings are best taken sans boyfriends. Or girlfriends.

So tell me: If you're the one planning an event, is it ever OK to say "no significant others allowed"?