Monday, January 25, 2010

Wedding trailers

Tired of receiving "save the date" cards via mail? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Here, Salon discusses the growing popularity of wedding trailers. That's right: Your friends are making videos promoting their weddings.

Don't equate "popularity" with "coolness." As the blog post notes, wedding trailers can be incredibly annoying, with possible exception of the clip I've posted above (also via Salon).

What annoys me most about wedding trailers?

The videos reinforce a growing belief that in relationships, every gesture must be YouTube-worthy. That belief can detract from the romance that often accompanies sheer simplicity.

But if there's a defense for wedding trailers, it's that -- when executed properly -- the clips give couples a rare opportunity to showcase their genuine selves.

And sometimes, amid weddings dominated by appeasing relatives and adhering to outside expectations, that's a rare gift.

(Getting married? Check out reporter Katie Holland's wedding blog here.)