Whoa. I'm one vacant blog post away from being a cyber felon. The reason I never started a blog sooner, outside of work, is that I have zero tolerance for people who don't update regularly. And now I've become one.
OK, I guess that's an exaggeration, since it's been all of five days since my last post. Still, that's a really long time. I've just been insanely busy, and my lack of at-home Internet sometimes makes finding time to blog difficult.
Anyway, here are my top five major life developments since my last post:
5. I'm engaged. Just kidding!
4. "American Idol" is now consuming five hours of my week. Check out the AI blog for more details. I love every minute of it, though. Except those involving Sundance Head.
3. My hatred toward inappropriately worn belly shirts is increasing. When I was in college, a friend and I made a stomach level chart designed to help women choose shirts conducive to their body types. Unfortunately, not everyone listened. Read this week's column about the phenomenon here.
2. I've revived my passion for chain restaurants. Last weekend, I hit Chili's Friday and Red Robin Saturday. Both were, amazingly, some of the most fun dinners I've had in a long time. Before you know it, I'm going to be sporting flair on a regular basis.
1. I was part of a three-way tie for first place at Brad's chili cookoff Sunday. That victory is dedicated to everyone who said my long nails would never make me suited for domesticity. Even though I still think my victory was in part due to my chili's name: "Burning Sensation."
Hope everyone is gearing up for the weekend with high expectations. Attention all Columbus-area residents...does anyone know the name of the lingerie store on Armour Road that's not Night Moves? There's a sign that says "winner" in the window. I saw this place for the first time Monday night, and I've been thinking about it ever since.
That's usually the way things work with lingerie.