Monday, October 6, 2008


Men love cats, according to this NY Times piece.

An excerpt:

Although there are no hard (or soft) statistics (it is rare to find an owner, man or woman, walking a cat in public), it seems that single, heterosexual male cat owners are on the rise. Over the last few years Sandra DeFeo, an executive director at the Humane Society of New York, said she had seen an increase in the number of single, straight men who are adopting cats.

The whole obsession is actually kind of cute. Is it weird that perusing this site, "Men and Cats," was kinda like the digital equivalent of "The Notebook"?

But just when you're feeling all sentimental about things, there's the sinking realization that the average guy has said "I love you" to his cat more often than he'll say it to you in your entire lifetime.

Thanks, guys.

Read more about animals in the Ledger's pet blog here.