Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amish Paradise

Nothing screams "foreplay" like a good butter churning session.

Don't believe me? Check out this Wall Street Journal article, which describes the hottest trend in the literary world: Amish romance novels.

(Or "bonnet porn," if you prefer this Gawker piece.)

The WSJ explains what the books deliver:

Most bonnet books are G-rated romances, often involving an Amish character who falls for an outsider. Publishers attribute the books' popularity to their pastoral settings and forbidden love scenarios à la Romeo and Juliet. Lately, the genre has expanded to include Amish thrillers and murder mysteries. Most of the authors are women.

Would I read an Amish romance? Sure.

Outsiders are intrigued by Amish communities. Pair that intrigue with paragraphs that could include the word "bodice" and I'm hooked.

What's next: sexy Amish girl getups at Night Moves for Halloween?