Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mile-high club

Want a second bag of airline pretzels? Give me your phone number.

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody uttered that line when Air New Zealand's Matchmaking Flight debuted this week.

The event, a creative variation of speed dating, put a bunch of single people together on a flight from Los Angeles to New Zealand.

Now I'm sure some people consider an airplane the ultimate meet market...but I'm not digging this idea.

First, who wants to look all cute only to sit on a plane for a couple hours?

And with the New Zealand flight, we're talking way more than a couple hours.

What if you get to the boarding gate and immediately realize nobody's your type? Then you're stuck in a relatively suffocating environment.

Even worse: What happens if you end up sitting next to the Creepy One? Thanks to turbulence, you probably won't have a lot of opportunity for interaction beyond your row of seats.

Let's hope participants in the matchmaking trip at least got an in-flight movie.