Monday, May 14, 2007

the monday moan

Whoa. Brace yourself.

This marks the debut of an entirely new "Walk of Shame" feature, The Monday Moan. In an effort to promote healthy dialogue and even healthier procrastination (why ELSE would you read this?), I'll ask a thought-perplexing relationship-related question every Monday. So let's get this party started.

Would rather have your partner cheat on you with a member of the same sex, or a member of the opposite sex?

At first I thought the answer to this one was straightforward. Clearly, I thought, I'd rather have a guy cheat on me with another guy...because that way, I'd be less inclined to believe I did something to make it happen. But then again, it was also make me feel as if our entire relationship was worthless, since he clearly wanted an entirely different gender. Whereas if a guy cheated on me with another girl, I could simply attribute it to the lure of temptation. Even if we broke up in that scenario, I likely wouldn't feel as if our entire relationship was a charade.

I'd like to hear what you think.