Friday, May 25, 2007

passive. aggressive. bad.

TGIF. The weekend's almost here.

In the much do you hate passive-aggressive people? Recently, I found this site, dedicated entirely to photos of passive-agressive notes like the one shown above. You know, those sly little sticky notes in which people kindly ask you to remember to put the toilet seat down or not steal their lunch goodies in the fridge. I think my favorite from the site is one that says, "If you leave the coffee pot low, you fail at life."

In summary, passive-aggressive people are very annoying. Once, when I was walking my dog Bayleigh in Bibb City, we spotted probably the most ghetto sign ever in someone's front yard. It read, "No bathroom stop here." Genius. I bet all the literate local stray dogs totally heeded that advice.

Another time, somebody took issue with my perfume...but instead of approaching me and civilly discussing the issue, they asked a middle man to do it. Weak.

Moral of the story? If you're afraid of confrontation, don't bother complaining. And if you do complain, via sticky note or an awkward middle man, you end up only fueling your aggressor's fire.